Why Choose Us

Our expertise is mostly focused on understanding complex requirements. We work on positions that are extremely difficult and/or demanding and often were already rejected by many other agencies and partners. Our strategic goal is to collaborate with partners, who are dedicated to their searches, responsive and competitive.

We implement a carefully structured process, which follows these eight steps:

Meet Hunt Hub’s Senior Partner and trust them with your difficulties in hiring the right team
We re-align and work further on selecting a pool for you
We then discuss requirements in details with the Hiring Managers to make sure we align our searches to their expectations and team spirit
Our clients then interview and finalize their decisions
We present a pool of candidates we have matched to your criteria
We have continuous engagement with both clients and candidates to ensure the communication is fulfilling and transparent for both parties
We receive your feedback (details matter as they will provide us with even stricterand thorough requirements)
You hire the candidate that suits you, we remain involved in all stages up until their 1st day and beyond